Friday 26th – Saturday 27th September 2014
The N-E-W Ashburton Art Festival will be a contemporary arts event that will combine at least 8 venues around town all showing different exhibitions of local and invited artists.
The festival starts on the evening of Friday 26th at 6pm with ‘THE ART SAFARI‘. A group tour to all of the venues accompanied by the artists. Each venue will open up as the safari arrives. Visitors will be able to view the exhibitions and speak with the artists involved as you make your way round town. This short and sharp series of consecutive openings is planned to last between 6-9 pm when we have arranged for some further surprises in Green Ginger to finish the evening off.
Saturday 27th will see all these exhibitions open form 10-4 pm. There will be informative workshops and talks and a fun treasure hunt type game for the younger ones called ‘Raiders of the Lost Art’. There will also be the launch of a community led initiative to make a mural for Cleder Place.