
Art safari
Fri 26th • 6-9pm
The participating artists will have taken over a diverse mix of spaces in the town centre and filled them with exciting work. The ‘Art Safari’ will be an interactive walk between these venues with the artists and public together, each venue opening up as the entourage arrives. The ‘Art Safari’ will begin at artspace@57 (57 East Street) at 6pm.

Green Ginger Café
Fri 26 • 9-11.30pm
The evening finishes at the Café Green Ginger for a party with live music to celebrate the event.
9.15pm • THE FAIRY CATCHER – Film by Giles Porter & Julian Preston
9.45pm • SHE – Live music
10.30pm • DJ set by Raj Patel – A combination DJ set/ projections with a theme of Music with a Message, political, social, ecological dance to tunes with a soulful groove.

Raiders of the Lost Art
Sat 27 • 10.30am/all day
Methodist Hall
There will be a ‘Raiders of the Lost Art’ family activity – to find and repatriate looted and stolen art from across the centuries.
Numerous artworks (fine art and art of antiquity) have been stolen in the broadest possible sense of the word. From The Elgin Marbles to Edward Munch’s ‘The Scream’. The idea is that a list of ‘lost’ art will be handed to the individual or group taking part. Clues will be given as to where these items are hidden around Ashburton. Once found the ‘artwork’ is collected and returned to a central ‘museum’ (Methodist hall) and to its rightful owner.
Mark Jessett • Sat 27th • 11am–1pm
Mark will run a free workshop. An informal, hands-on exploration of mark-making, using watercolour, gouache and dry materials (kindly supported by Winsor & Newton).
Email to book
(limited to 8 people, on a first-come basis, minimum age 14yrs).
Karen Pearson • Sat 27th • 11am–3pm
St Lawrence Chapel
Karen will be running a free interactive drawing workshop on Saturday 27th September as part of the Festival. Playing with different ways of thinking about drawing and lots of ideas to get people started, the workshops are open to everyone.
Juliet Middleton-Batts • Sat 27th • 11am–3pm
St Lawrence Chapel
Juliet will be running a family badge-making workshop at the Chapel on Saturday, between 11am and 3pm. Come along and make a personalised crest, which can include a favourite photograph, image, name, date, poem, etc. Bring your own ideas on the day and combine with the supplied inspiration.
Emily Smith • Sat 27th • 10am-4pm
Methodist hall
Emily plans to design and make a mural type artwork on the gable end wall in Cleder Place in Ashburton. She will be running a consultative workshop to get this project up and running and draw information about what visitors would like to see and discuss ideas for the North Street wall at Cleder place. She hopes to talk and present, through pictures, a basic outline of the project and drum up support through written suggestions by the visitors and community.